Step by Step Guide to Using QuickBooks


QuickBooks Company Setup

How to setup a new company in QuickBooks - Interview Window 8

In the next 18 windows, for 2008 through 2011, you will be asked questions that will allow QuickBooks to customize a homepage by turning on the features that meets your business needs best. As you can see below, the features that will appear on your QuickBooks home page, will be based on the answers you have given to the questions QuickBooks ask in this section of the interview.
You will be able to enable additional features later on, but if you answer the questions as accurately as you can, you will save yourself a lot of time customizing individually what QuickBooks would have done collectively.

QuickBooks 2012 to Present

Here, I have added a customer first, then a vendor. You can click the "select all" for each option (customer, vendor, or employee) and enter all your customers, for example, and then do the same to enter all your vendors, and subsequently your employees - in whatever order you choose.

QuickBooks 2008 through 2011